Iowa Roofing Blog | Hedrick Construction Inc.

The Pros and Cons of Stone-Coated Steel Roofing

Written by Heather Hedrick | February 21, 2023 6:32 PM

If you're considering replacing your roof, you’ve probably heard of stone-coated steel roofing. Although steel is one of the most highly recommended roofing materials, it isn’t the most common choice on the market. Read about the pros and cons of stone-coated steel roofing to determine whether it’s the right choice for you.


What Is Stone-Coated Steel Roofing?

Contrary to the bare metal that people tend to envision, steel roofing can have the appearance of traditional shingles while delivering the durability and strength of metal. It can be made of 24- or 26-gauge rolled steel sheets with a rust-preventing coating. Stone-coated steel roofing is finished with a thick layer of stone that permanently adheres to the surface and provides the decorative look.


Pros of Stone-Coated Steel Roofing


Metal roofs are known to last a long time if installed properly. Their life span ranges from 40–70 years, compared to asphalt shingles that need to be replaced approximately every 20 years. Because steel can endure much more than most traditional roofing materials, it's a great investment in the long-term future of your home.



Steel can withstand gusting winds, heavy rain or hail, and many other adverse weather conditions. Although many assume it is a heavy material, metal roofing is actually lightweight at 50 to 150 pounds per square.


Low Maintenance

Most roofing materials, such as asphalt, should be regularly inspected to keep them in good working condition. However, steel roofs are virtually maintenance free! They create a thick shield around your home, keeping it safer from poor weather conditions and eliminating most of the repair costs associated with traditional roofing.


Beauty and Versatility

While functionality is essential, style and beauty are important, too. Stone-coated steel roofing comes in a wide variety of colors, textures, and designs to complement almost any style of home. This allows for you to  feel good about both your roof's safety and its appearance!


Energy Efficiency

A common misconception with installing a metal roof is that it will get too hot in the summer and conduct heat into the home. Metal roofing actually reflects heat from the sun, rather than absorbing it like a dark asphalt material would. This cuts down on the energy cost to keep your home cool, and it also protects your home from ultraviolet rays. This article from Metal Roofing Alliance breaks how you can reduce energy costs with a steel roof.


Cons of Stone Coated Steel Roofing 

Initial Cost

Stone-coated steel roofing is on the high end of the cost range for roofing materials. However, because of its long life span and practically nonexistent maintenance costs, choosing stone-coated steel over asphalt could save you money over time. Decide how much you're able to spend up front, and weigh your initial cost against your expected long-term savings when making your choice.



Depending on how a steel roof is installed, more noise from rain or hail is possible.  However, during the installation process, special materials like a solid sheathed roof deck can be placed as a barrier between the roof and your home to deaden the sound. There are also other steps you can take, such as adding attic insulation, that can reduce roof noise.

All things considered, the pros of installing a stone-coated steel roof outweigh its drawbacks. A metal roof could be the last roof you ever need to purchase and guarantee durability, beauty, and safety for your home. Get in touch with our team to discuss if stone-coated steeling roofing is the right option for you.