
How long does a roof last?

  • Traditional Asphalt Shingles: 15-30 years
  • Architectural Shingles: 20-50 years and have longer warranties than traditional shingles
  • Rubber Shingles and Rolls: 30-50 years
  • Steel Roofing: 40-70 years and typically come with longer warranties
  • Stone-Coated Steel: 40-70 years

How much does a new roof cost?

Every roofing project is different and there are several variables that are considered. Roofing contractors base their estimates on the size of your roof, removal and disposal of the old roof, roof style, shape, material choice, and other roof features such as chimneys, skylights or vents that may need additional attention.

What is the best time to replace a roof?

Spring and Fall

Does a new roof increase home value?

Yes! According to the National Organization of Realtors, a new roof is one of the best projects when it comes to getting a return on your investment. It can also increase the curb appeal and help during closing.

What is roof underlayment?

Shingle underlayment is a water-resistant protective barrier that is placed between your roof’s framing material and the shingles that are installed. This is a necessary part of any roof because it provides another layer of defense against water damage.

What does hail damage look like on a roof?

Hedrick Construction does not recommend that you climb on your roof to inspect for hail damage. It often takes a trained eye to find many signs of hail damage. You may be able to see some signs of damage from the ground though. These include black colored dots or dents, loose granules in your gutters, shingle tears, or missing shingles.

How long will it take to install my new roof?

Each project is different and depends on the size of the home and types of materials used, but it typically takes 1-3 days for a new roof to be installed on an average home.

Is there anything I need to do before a roofing company starts?

Before your roofing project starts, you should remove any vehicles or items in your driveway, clear any outdoor furniture, identify outlets that can be used by the roofers, and take down any wall decorations inside. You may also want to make arrangements for your pets or children if they are upset by loud noises.

How do I evaluate roof damage?

To evaluate damage to your home, start with a visual inspection of your roof, windows, and siding. Look for missing shingles, damage to gutters, and broken siding pieces. Check for signs of granule loss on asphalt shingles, which can result from hail or debris impact and may lead to significant damage. Even if you don't see visible damage, consider a professional inspection after the main storm season or significant weather events to ensure your home's integrity.

When is the best time of year to replace my roof?

The best time to replace your roof typically falls in the spring or fall. Winter is not ideal due to the cold temperatures, while the heat of the summer can affect roofing materials and working conditions. The mild weather in the spring and fall allows for smoother installation and proper sealing of shingles. It's important to plan ahead and schedule the replacement before roofing contractors get too busy in late summer and early fall to potentially avoid higher prices and emergency situations.

Roofing Material

What is roof underlayment?

Shingle underlayment is a water-resistant protective barrier that is placed between your roof’s framing material and the shingles that are installed. This is a necessary part of any roof because it provides another layer of defense against water damage.

What are the pros and cons of stone-coated steel roofing?

Stone-coated steel roofing offers several advantages, including longevity, durability, low maintenance, beauty, versatility, and energy efficiency. It can last 40-70 years, withstand harsh weather, requires minimal maintenance, comes in various styles, and reflects heat, thus reducing energy costs. However, the initial cost is high, and there may be increased noise during rain or hail, though steps can be taken to mitigate it. In summary, while the initial investment for stone-coated steel roofing is higher, the long-term benefits often outweigh the drawbacks, making it a durable and attractive roofing option.

What are the benefits of rubber roofing?

Rubber roofing offers several advantages over traditional roofing materials. It is durable, long-lasting, and requires minimal maintenance, with a lifespan of 30-50 years. Rubber roofing is weather-resistant, especially suitable for flat or low-pitch roofs, and highly durable, with resistance to thermal shock, hail, ultraviolet radiation, and cyclic fatigue. Installation is quicker and easier than traditional roofing methods. In summary, rubber roofing provides long-lasting durability, weather resistance, and ease of installation, making it a cost-effective and efficient choice for roofing projects.


How can I stop condensation from forming on my windows?

To prevent condensation in your home, you should reduce excess moisture by keeping windows dry, using bathroom and kitchen vents, running a dehumidifier, and maintaining consistent thermostat settings. Managing humidity levels is crucial, and they should ideally be between 30% and 50%. Ensuring proper ventilation and insulation in your home can provide a long-term solution to condensation issues.

How do I stop mold from forming around my windows?

To prevent mold around windows, address condensation and excess moisture. In addition, clean walls with a bleach and water mixture, particularly in damp areas like the bathroom or basement. Consider painting walls with anti-mold and anti-condensation paint in susceptible areas, replace affected caulking in the bathroom, and ensure proper ventilation with fans and open windows. If dealing with extensive mold or health risks, it's advisable to seek professional help for cleaning. 

How much does it cost to repair a window?

The cost and effort required for window repairs can vary widely. Simple and inexpensive repairs are possible, but more costly ones may not be economically viable. Some challenging situations that may warrant window replacement rather than repair include moldy windows, rotting wooden frames, fog between panes of double pane windows, worn or sagging window parts, and difficulty finding replacement components.


How often do windows typically need repaired?

The frequency of window maintenance depends on the type of windows you have. If you constantly encounter minor repair issues, it's a sign that your windows may be deteriorating and it's time to consider replacements. Windows that are painted generally require more regular upkeep compared to those with vinyl or aluminum cladding. 

Is it better to replace all windows at the same time or one window at a time?

The decision to replace all windows at once or one at a time depends on your budget and needs. You can either replace windows on one side of the home at a time or on one floor at a time to manage costs and maintain consistency in your home's appearance. These strategies help avoid the expense of replacing all windows simultaneously. 


Why are gutters important for your home?

Gutters are crucial for your home as they help protect the exterior and interior from the damage caused by rain, snow, ice, and humidity. Properly maintained gutters prevent water from leaking into the walls, which can lead to issues like rot, mold, and mildew. Additionally, well-maintained gutters help maintain energy efficiency by preventing air leakage, reducing heating and cooling costs. 

What are the signs my gutters are draining improperly?

Signs of improper gutter drainage include roof damage or leaks in areas where water should be draining, along with damage to the siding of your home due to water failing to drain properly. If you observe soil erosion near your home, it may indicate that the system is draining too heavily in that area, which can lead to foundation damage and negatively impact landscaping. Proper gutter maintenance is essential to avoid these issues. 

How do gutters prevent home flooding?

Basement flooding can be caused by issues with your home's gutters and downspouts. When debris accumulates in the gutters, water can overflow, damaging the foundation and seeping into the basement. Damaged gutters can also lead to water running off in unintended directions. Gutter covers can help prevent debris buildup, but regular cleaning is essential. Additionally, it's important to direct downspout flows away from the foundation and ensure proper drainage during rainwater collection. Regular maintenance and preventing issues like ice dams can help protect your gutters and prevent basement flooding. 

How do you drain water from a flat roof?

Inner Drains: These are installed within the roof or in the parapet wall, minimizing their visibility and risk of water damage to the roof. They are often used on large roofs, such as commercial properties, but have higher installation, maintenance, and repair costs.

Scuppers: These are large openings in the building's outer wall that allow water to flow through downspouts below. They are easy to maintain but can be susceptible to freezing and should be checked for debris.

Gutters: Installed along the roof's edges, gutters direct water to a downspout. They are cost-effective for smaller buildings but are susceptible to clogging and damage.

Siphonic Roof Drain: This system uses a vacuum pump to remove water quickly, making it suitable for large roofs with heavy rain. It is less prone to clogging but requires regular cleaning and maintenance.

Professional installation, inspection, and repair are important for any chosen drainage system for a flat roof.


What does hail damage look like on a roof?

Hedrick Construction does not recommend that you climb on your roof to inspect for hail damage. It often takes a trained eye to find many signs of hail damage. You may be able to see some signs of damage from the ground though. These include black colored dots or dents, loose granules in your gutters, shingle tears, or missing shingles.

What should I do if my roof starts leaking during a storm?

If your roof suddenly starts leaking during a storm, you can take several steps to minimize the damage before professionals arrive. Place a bucket under the leak to catch the water, move electronics away from the leak to prevent electrical hazards, and if the leak is spreading on the ceiling, you can poke a hole to allow water to drain into a bucket. After containing the damage, try to locate the source of the leak in your attic or on the roof, and you can use roofing tape or caulk as temporary measures. However, it's essential to contact local roofers as soon as possible for a professional assessment and permanent solution. 

What do I do if a tree has fallen on my home?

If a tree has fallen on your home, first ensure that everyone has been evacuated from the house and call 911 to report the situation. Do not attempt to deal with the fallen tree on your own. Next contact your insurance company to report the damage and take photos of the damage as well as contacting a local roofing contractor, preferably one you've vetted in advance. Make sure to leave your home safe and secure if it's unlivable. Your and your family's safety is the top priority, and you should let professionals handle the situation. 

What should I do if my house gets struck by lightning?

If your house is struck by lightning, it can cause various types of damage, including fire, electrical surges, and structural issues. Lightning rods are designed to help protect homes by providing a safe path for lightning to reach the ground. In the event of a lightning strike, stay away from wiring and pipes, unplug electronic devices, and avoid using running water. If you suspect a fire, evacuate your home, call 911, and have the fire department assess the damage. Contact your insurance company and have a qualified electrician inspect your home's wiring. 

What should I do if lightning has damaged my home?

If your home is damaged by lightning, especially the roofing and attic, it's crucial to have a professional roofing contractor inspect for any issues. Additionally, carefully examine chimneys, roof shingles, siding, gutters, and walls for damage and promptly replace or repair any damaged components. In cases of significant damage or emergency repairs, contact a roofing contractor as soon as possible to address the issue promptly and prevent further damage. 

What are ice dams?

Ice dams are formed when ice and snow accumulate along the edges and eaves of a roof. While they may create attractive icicles, they can also lead to damage to the roof, broken gutters, and water leakage into the home. 

What causes ice dams on my roof?

Ice dams on roofs are typically caused by variations in roof temperature. When the heat from the home's interior seeps into the attic and warms the roof, it can melt the bottom layer of snow on the roof. The melted snow then runs down the roof, but when it reaches the colder edges, it refreezes, creating a dam that prevents further runoff. Over time, this ice dam can cause water to seep between shingles, potentially leading to damage, water infiltration, and mold growth, and it can also damage gutters and create hazards for people and animals below. 

How do you prevent ice dams on a roof?

Proper insulation and ventilation in the attic can help prevent ice dams.

Heat cables, also known as heat tape, can also be installed on your roof to help minimize ice dam formation. They work by melting channels through existing ice dams to allow snowmelt to drain off the roof, reducing the risk of water infiltration. However, it's essential to understand that heat cables do not prevent ice dams from forming; they are a partial solution to minimize ice buildup. To prevent ice dams effectively, it's crucial to address the root causes, such as issues with attic insulation, ventilation, or the roof itself. 

What are the pros and cons of heat tape?

Heat cables, if professionally installed, can be a useful quick fix to minimize water buildup behind ice dams and protect gutters from ice damage. They are cost-effective compared to more extensive attic insulation and ventilation work.

However, they consume electricity, leading to increased electric bills, may detract from the home's curb appeal, and do not address the underlying issues causing ice dams, making them a potentially costlier long-term solution. 


What damage is covered by homeowners insurance?

Homeowners insurance typically covers roof damage that is unavoidable, often including "acts of God" like tornadoes and hurricanes. Some policies may also cover damage from common sources such as wind, rain, and hail, but coverage conditions can differ between policies. However, insurance usually doesn't cover damage related to the roof's age or wear and tear, which are the homeowner's responsibility. It's advisable to consult your insurance agent for specific coverage details. 

What is an insurance inspection?

An insurance inspection occurs after filing a claim, where the insurer sends an adjuster to assess your property for damage. You have the right to have a professional represent you during this inspection. The adjuster checks the roof and exterior for visible damage and may use a "test square" method to determine if roof replacement is necessary, with the insurance company paying fair market value for repairs if needed to meet local codes. 

When should I file an insurance claim?

You should consider filing a homeowners insurance claim if the cost of repairing or replacing your roof significantly exceeds your deductible, especially in cases of significant damage or total property loss. It's what homeowners insurance is designed for. Additionally, if you've never filed a claim or haven't done so in at least three years, it's worth considering, as a claims history can affect your premium and insurance eligibility. However, it's important not to file too many claims, as this can pose a risk to your insurance coverage and premiums. 

Why should I not file an insurance claim?

There are several reasons not to file an insurance claim for roof repair or replacement. It's best to avoid unnecessary claims to prevent premium increases or insurers viewing you as a higher risk. If the repair cost doesn't exceed your deductible, there's no benefit in filing a claim, and you should pay for minor damage out of pocket. Additionally, damage due to maintenance issues or normal wear and tear is typically not covered, and multiple claims within a short period can result in higher premiums or policy cancellation. Insurers use your claims history to assess risk, and being perceived as too risky can have negative consequences. 

What if my adjuster and my contractor disagree on the damage?

If your insurance adjuster and contractor disagree on the extent and cost of repair for roof damage, you can request a re-inspection by another adjuster from the same firm at no cost. You have the right to have your chosen contractor represent you during the adjustment process to facilitate a faster and fair settlement. The contractor will collaborate with the adjuster to assess the damage, clarify pricing, and negotiate a repair cost that is acceptable to the insurance company, with you only responsible for the deductible. 

How do insurance companies pay claims?

Insurance companies typically pay claims in two parts. Firstly, you'll receive a check for the actual cost value, which is the cost to repair or replace damaged elements minus depreciation, about a week after the adjuster's estimate. After the repair is done, a second check, which covers recoverable depreciation minus your deductible, is issued to prevent insurance fraud. Reputable contractors can guide you through the entire repair and recovery process. 

Do I need to get multiple estimates for my repairs?

Getting multiple repair estimates may not be necessary because insurance companies pay a "fair market price" based on defined pricing, often using estimating software. You're responsible for costs exceeding this value, but opting for a cheaper company doesn't benefit you as long as the repair cost is below the estimated price. It's recommended to select a repair company based on reputation, experience, and customer service rather than solely on price. 

Does Hedrick Construction offer financing options?

Yes, we offer financing options for roof repairs and replacements through our partnership with Enhancify. The financing process is convenient, with the ability to check options without affecting your credit score, accepting lower credit scores, and not requiring equity or appraisal for personal loans. Applicants can request up to $200,000, and financing is typically received within 2-3 business days. 

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